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Key Facts

Corporate Structure

Major Milestones

A History of Firsts
- 1997 - Offers India's first high-end finishing system
- 2001 - Establishes India’s first scanning and recording system
- 2003 - Offers India's first Digital Intermediate (DI) pipeline for frame by frame feature film color grading/restoration
- 2003 - Offers India’s first Spirit Telecine
- 2004 - First visual effects company in India to operate a MILO motion-control rig
- 2006 - First visual entertainment services company in India to go public
- 2007 - First visual entertainment services company in India to set up full-fledged facilities in UK and US
- 2008 - Launches CLEAR, the world's first hybrid cloud-enabled Media ERP Suite on the Cloud
- 2009 - Launches View-D, the fastest and most economical process for stereoscopic 3D conversion
- 2010 - First company to convert an entire film (Clash of the Titans) from 2D to 3D
- 2014 - First M&E industry focused cloud technology solutions provider to achieve ISO 27001 certification
- 2014 - Becomes world’s largest independent and integrated media services powerhouse